Review: The Gems Of Elsana Into The Wildbarrens by Christian Sterling

Pages: 356


Where do I begin? This is the first book of a series that tells us all about Falin (a soon to be wizard) and his companions' adventures. In this particular book Falin needs to find the first tow Gems that go on his staff. But he can't do it alone, he needs help from one representative of every creature of the Light. That leads me to tell you that at first I was a little confused by how each creature looked. Keep in mind that English is not my first language, which means that I have some limits. As the story progressed though, and the reader begins to understand more the character of each creature I could not help but love each and every character. My favourite is Jim.
I've read some goodreads review and yes, you can see the Hobbit influence but just in the beginning. We encounter loads of new creatures and we get to experience great adventures with them. I mean it's impossible to escape the resemblance. 

I love the fact that the group that gets formed at the beginning of the adventure, at the end of the book becomes family (between them and to you reader). Every single character is really well constructed and it feels like they are all REAL. And when they go through crazy stuff you can't help but feel for them. The adventures they go through is really well managed by the author and never feels forced: it all flows beautifully!
Plus, can we talk about the Dragon and the colourful Monkeys? I LOVE THEM! And I want to tell you anything else because you NEED TO READ THIS BOOK for yourself!
Can't wait to read the next installment as with everything written by Christian!

...Out Of Five
